Somnambulist #9


Somnambulist #9


Somnambulist #9


If there was ever a Somnambulist one-hour series finale episode, you would very much want cameos from many of the characters found in this collection of a half dozen or so stories (and an interview). The ancestral skills and "walking caveman cartoon" guy would enter the apartment and the audience would go woooooooo! and then later, the alcoholic friend  who hides beer in his parents' yard would appear at the window and the music would go womp wooomp, and then Kyle, the spastic narrator of Kyle Sundby’s story, would erupt through the front door and not stop talking to the camera about how no one can be trusted, and we'd go whoop whoop! and then the asshole doctors would show up and we would boo and hiss at them, because we remember them and their deeds. With just a few minutes to go in the whole Somnambulist story arc, the beaver that Martha tries and fails to eat would appear as a ghost and make everyone hug and say a nice thing to each other, and then they would freeze, the frame would fade, the credits would roll, and a single tear would fall down each of our cheeks as we remembered the first time we ever met these characters, in this here issue, like it was yesterday. 32 pages. Super-cool cover art and artwork by Aron Nels Steinke. Originally published June, 2007.

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